Sunday, June 21, 2009

Zero to Sixty

Whew!!!   I'm here, I'm fine----but my head is spinning!

I've had twelve hours of class time with my cohort over the last two days, and it's been really exciting and interesting to meet the group that will travel together over the next three years.  Here are a few of my new friends:
  • William and Paula Jo, who live next door to me.  They're from Chicago, and are in the last year of their course work---They're a great source of calm and reason!
  • A Franciscan nun from Kenya
  • An organist 
  • A woman who runs a school in a maximum security prison
  • Several college instructors / educators
  • A great group of administrators from Appleton, who've adopted me and are allowing me to tag along on their field trips.  :-)   Next week we'll head downtown one night to Summerfest, where Chicago and Earth, Wind and Fire are performing.  It's the networking thing, really.......
We've received three major assignments while we're here....First, I'm part of a two week study group on the topic of Leadership.  We have to give a 30-minute presentation to the whole cohort on the last day.   Second, I have to write an 8-page paper on what I want to learn about Leadership over the next year, and what goals are, and what my plan is to achieve my goals.       (This kind of thinking makes my stomach cramp..... Hmmmmm)   Last, I have to write a 10-20 page paper about the major themes of the speakers, books and learning during the Summer Institute, and how they impact my thinking about my Leadership theme.  So....let the games begin!   Looks like I go to class for 8 hours each day and use my spare ( !) time to concentrate on the other work. to 60 mph in just a couple days!  

Our instructor for the summer and fall courses is Donna, who's smart, very kind and who is using some excellent strategies to help our cohort become a cohesive group.  Stritch also is doing a great job of helping the new people get to talk and meet with students from older cohorts---There are lots of opportunities where the instructors have been really intentional about letting us talk to other cohorts and learn from them about their experiences.  It's been a relief to have the students tell us about the high level of support and the commitment instructors have to everyone's success.  In fact, three things about that:  Donna says when we submit our papers to her, she'll get them back to us immediately with feedback.  We do changes in the paper, resubmit, and then she actually grades the paper.   In fact, assignments and course grades are Pass / Fail, which makes me really comfortable.   Last,  no doctoral student defends their dissertation until the entire faculty feels they're ready to pass that final hurdle----therefore, everyone who presents is awarded their degree.  So....I think the professors are working hard to make this a rigorous experience, but they balance that rigor with a high level of support.  Sounds like a great leadership model to me!

I'm off today to participate in a book discussion with people from other cohorts, and also hear an overview of the whole PhD  and EdD programs.  Sorry this post is so long.....I'll try not to be so verbose in the future, and save my words for my papers!


  1. Sounds like it's right up your alley, girl! You'll wow them with your expertise and learn bunches!! Keep those spirits up! 'Had a great time Sunday going out to dinner in GR and then to S.Lyon for a picnic with Nick! Lots of good relaxation with lots of miles!! love, AMJ

  2. Maple has finished her morning dance and the coffee has a chocolate flavour. The only thing missing is you. Although you are busy, I know that you are enjoying the experience. Every journey begins with a first step. Your journey has begun with a 100 yard dash and that activity is not unfamiliar to you. "Sprint champion is grade 8!" Have a great day!

    Love Big B.

  3. Spelling correction - "Sprint champion in grade 8"

    Big B.
