Thursday, September 24, 2009

Doin' the Leadership Thing.....

Well, it's been a bit of a wild ride these last ten days or so......As I've said to Brian, the work for my courses is interesting, but there's so much of it!!! I'm amazed at the number of hours needed for reading and writing--Whew! My study group buddies are really helpful, and we've been sharing our first drafts of papers due----A great assist for those of us who are woefully lacking in confidence! The books I'm reading, especially about leadership, are really just great---Last weekend I had the opportunity to use Credibility: How leaders gain and lose it, and why people demand it in my teaching, and I loved every minute!

Speaking of last weekend, I started with my friends Nancy and Joyce to teach a year-long course for a group of 14 principals from across the state. It's called "Leadership Matters", and is based on five themes: Intentionality, Courage and Integrity, Collaboration, Coaching, and Reflection. We'll meet eight times over the next year, and I'm thinking this is going to be really wonderful work. I feel so lucky that I get to do things I'm so interested in and feel strongly about!

Oh, also---Because I've been reading so much, I need to report that I've decided on a title for my dissertation. Are you ready? Okay: Leadership: All the Jerks I Ever Worked For Were Wrong! Okay, so maybe I'll need to edit just a bit............

Till next time,

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